Changes to Contraceptive Services for the Over 25’s
There is no longer funding for patients aged over 25 to be seen for contraceptive services at Tewkesbury Hospital, The Milsom Centre Cheltenham, nor Gloucester Hope House.
“If you are over 25 years old and require routine contraception, the Specialist Service may direct you to your GP. This includes requests for the contraceptive pill, injections, and the fitting and removal of coils and implants. All GP practices have nurses and doctors trained to provide contraception.
If you are seeing your GP for the contraceptive pill, please take your current pill packet with you so they know which brand you are using.
Remember to plan ahead and contact your GP to make an appointment before your prescription is due. If you are using the contraceptive pill, and are unable to get an appointment with your GP, a pharmacy can provide you with a month’s supply to tide you over. Please take a strip of your current pill with you.”
For further information: NHS Choices
You will require a referral from your GP to still be seen at the clinics and for coil/implant fittings.
If you require further details of the GP Practices offering the services or require a referral please contact reception.
If you are under 25 these services are offered by the practice within normal surgery hours. Please make an appointment at reception. Also family Planning consultations may be available at Cheltenham General Hospital or Tewkesbury Hospital, you can contact them directly.
Please telephone 0300 422 2374 to arrange an appointment.