Our Doctors
Dr Jeremy J. Pawley
Qualified Kings College Hospital Medical School, London 1991. Dr Pawley joined the practice in 2000, he lives locally with his wife and children.
Dr Katy Gines
Dr Simon J. Hill
Qualified Bristol University 2000. Dr Hill joined us as a salaried GP in April 2011, and then became a GP Partner in July 2013. He lives locally, has a young family and is a keen sportsman.
Dr Lydia Flaks
Dr Samantha Cooke
We have locum GP’s working at the practice;Dr Richard Lynch-Blosse, Dr Alison Cook, Dr Angela Lee, Dr Christopher Wilkinson
Our Nursing Team – Alison, Hollie and Liz
Our nurses are highly qualified and experienced members of the team who hold their own clinics and can advise on a wide variety of health problems. They will deal with dressings and ailments, health screening, and offer advice about foreign travel including immunisations. They each also support the doctors monitoring respiratory disease, chronic heart disease, diabetes, and women’s health. They manage our Annual Review system where we call patients with a chronic disease in annually (in their birth month) for a health check.
Health care assistant (HCA) – Keriann and Tracey
Providing support our nursing team. HCA’s will see you to take blood (phlebotomy), your height and weight, blood pressure, and well-person checks. They may also do ECG’s if the doctor requests it. HCA’s also assist with annual reviews.
Phlebotomist – Natalie – taking bloods and INR tests
Administration team – Beth, Jo, Tash, Jayne G, Jane A, Lesley, Anne, Jo G, Alison, Louise, Dawn and Julia.
Our team are all very experienced, and trained in dealing with patients. You can be reassured that all information is treated in the strictest confidence, as all staff members are bound by the code of confidentiality.
Angela Maile
Practice Manager
Our Practice Manager Angela Maile joined the surgery in 2014. Please feel free to contact her via reception on 01684773444 or via the main surgery e-mail address
Clare McDuff
Assistant Practice Manager
Clare McDuff was appointed as our assistant practice manager in 2014. Please also feel free to contact her via reception on 01684773444 or the via main surgery e-mail address
Caroline L
Janice – Senior Dispenser
Wendy – Trainee Dispenser
As we dispense to 95% of our practice population, our dispensary is an integral part of the practice. Senior Dispenser Janice is a qualified pharmacy technician with many years of experience in the hospital and dispensing doctors. The other ladies are qualified to NVQ level 2 in dispensary services.
The Attached Team
Community Nurses
Our District Nurses provide nursing care to patients in their own homes. They also support relatives and carers and provide a valuable palliative care service to patients who are terminally ill. They can offer advice on assistance for the elderly and disabled.
If you require the services of the District Nurses please contact the Neighbourhood Team on 0300 123 7593 Option 2, 4
Ante-Natal Clinics – held once a week (am or pm session) – for further details please contact reception. The community midwife team shares your ante-natal care with your doctor. They will also care for you and your baby when you return from Hospital. Midwives can be contacted by phoning their office in Evesham on 01386 502323 between 8.45 am and 9.30 am if required.
- Other clinical staff working as part of the wider team with the surgery and PCN
- Clinical Pharmacist – Sofia Tasleem
- PCN Pharmacist – Germaine Swarbrick
- Physiotherapist – Moria
- First Contact Physiotherapist – Aris Pabello (PCN) and Charlene Mason
- (ANP) Advanced Nurse Practitioner – Tracy
- also Sam
- (ACP) Advanced Clinical Practitioner – Suzy and Sean
Support Services:-
- Mental Health Practitioner (PCN) – Andrea Hanson
- Active Monitoring mental health support worker -TEMP Sue Leathers (based at Abbey Medical Practice)
- Care Co-ordinator – Madeline Lawson
- Life style Advisor – Jess Deplasco
- Senior Social Presriber – Rachel Nickless
- Social Prescriber – Temea Deak and Sue Stanley
- Children’s Social Prescriber – Molly Edwards
- Wellbeing Coach – Jade Heaysman