Useful Numbers

Bredon Hill Surgery 01684 773444
District Nurses 0300 123 7593 Option 2 then option 4
Health Visitor – direct line01386 502068
Midwife01386 502323
Tewkesbury Hospital   03004 216100  
Cheltenham General Hospital      03004 222222  
Gloucester Royal Hospital 03004 222222 
Worcester Royal Hospital  01905 763333
Nuffield Hospital (private) 01242 246500  
Winfield Hospital (private) 01452 331111 
Emergency Service 999 

X – ray appointments – please go to the clinics and services tab for details
South Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group01905 681999
Blood Donation         0845 771 1711  
Worcestershire Association of Carers    0300 123 9351
Social Services  01905 765667 
NHS 111111  
Dental Helpline 
01905 760111
Health and Social Care Information Centre   0845 300 6016